Posted by : yankeesrj12 Thursday, May 9, 2013

It's day two of our network upfront guesses and we move onto FOX .

With all of its pick-ups announced yesterday, the only thing we're left wondering is where all the shows will be placed.  It'll be interesting to see the changes FOX is willing to make and how much they'll save for midseason.  To note, the network picked up a whopping nine series, almost double last years five.

I made a lot of changes, but with the huge drops the network is experiencing, they need to take risks.

8 - Bones
9 - Sleepy Hollow (new series)
Analysis: I don't see FOX moving Bones yet again, especially if they're going to take a lot of risks.  Sleepy Hollow seems like the best drama to take the 9pm timeslot, since Deadline is reporting Rake will likely be held for mid-season.  The other option is Gang Related, but I feel like an American Idol lead-in next winter would do it more good than in this timeslot.

8 - Brooklyn Nine-Nine (new)
830 - Enlisted (new)
9 - Surviving Jack (new)
930 - Us and Them (new)
Analysis: I know, I know, a whole night of new comedies, are you crazy?!  Yes, but I think it could really work.  The female-centered comedies are not working on the night, so go with male-skewing ones.  Tuesdays are the best option, in my opinion, because they'd avoid the football competition on Monday, Thursday, and Sunday.  If they all fail, simply wait it out until January (or bring over a Friday series for a bit) and then debut The Following and Gang Related on the night.

8 - The X-Factor (two hour performance show)

Analysis: Many are calling for the show to be trimmed to an hour, but I don't see it happening, at least not yet.  The show is steady 2.2-2.6 performer, and that would be a solid outing on the night.

8 - The X-Factor (results)
830 - Raising Hope (new night)
9 - New Girl (new night)
930 - The Mindy Project (new night)
Analysis: Big changes, again.  Since I did not trim The X-Factor on Wednesdays, I would trim the results show, in order to give the female-centered comedies a go at it.  For whatever reason, FOX is really sold on The Mindy Project, so I don't see them dumping it.  FOX could keep the lineup it had this season intact, while giving it a solid jump start at 8.  Big changes, big rewards?

8 - Kitchen Nightmares
9 - Glee (new night)
Analysis: Kitchen Nightmares isn't a huge performer, but it does the work that needs to be done.  If Glee doesn't end up on Fridays, I could see it on Thursdays at 9, following The X-Factor results and New Girl.  If that happens, Raising Hope and The Mindy Project will be dumped on Fridays.

7 - NFL Overrun
8 - The Simpsons
830 - Bob's Burgers
9 - Family Guy
930 - Dads (new)
Analysis: Keep what works, and debut a new series at 930 (Dads).  The show is by Seth MacFarlane, so what lead is better than another show by Seth MacFarlane?  FOX did try a similar situation in 2007 with The Winner, but I could see this one going over more smoothly.

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