Posted by : yankeesrj12 Saturday, April 18, 2009

Gary Unmarried vs. Old Christine vs. Rules of Engagement, will any of them be renewed?

First, lets take a look at the season averages not including repeats:
128.96 million viewers / by 18 episodes = 7.16 million viewers
40.6 in the 18-49 demo / by 18 episodes = 2.25 rounded to a 2.3 demo

OLD CHRISTINE *Includes special 8:30 airing on 10/29/08
134.69 million viewers / by 19 episodes = 7.09 million viewers
39.7 in the 18-49 demo / by 19 episodes = 2.09 rounded to a 2.1 demo

65.18 million viewers / by 6 episodes = 10.86 million viewers
23.1 in the 18-49 demo / by 6 episodes = 3.85 rounded to a 3.9 demo

Now, lets take a look at how the repeats usually do:
*Includes the above average performance for a repeat on 1/07/09
31.11 million viewers / by 6 episodes = 5.19 million viewers
9.3 in the 18-49 demo / by 6 episodes = 1.55 rounded to a 1.6 demo

31.18 million viewers / by 6 episodes = 5.31 million viewers
8.6 in the 18-49 demo / by 6 episodes = 1.43 rounded to a 1.4 demo

No repeats this season

Repeats After Two and a Half Men:
17.43 million viewers / by 2 episodes = 8.72 million viewers
5.7 in the 18-49 demo / by 2 episodes = 2.85 rounded to a 2.9 demo

Wow, thats a lot of data. Now you may be asking yourself why Rules of Engagement is on this list. I placed it on the list because it has never aired without the huge lead in of Two and a Half Men and CBS is airing it in a few weeks on a Wednesday night. If Rules of Engagement fails to deliver on that Wednesday night, you can say goodbye to it. So the fate of Gary Unmarried lies in the hands of Rules of Engagaement. If Rules of Engagement does fail and gets cancelled, Gary Unmarried could return midseason behind Two and a Half Men if the new show at 9:30 fails. While Old Christine does have lower numbers then Gary Unmarried in both new episodes and repeat episodes, I'm betting CBS will renew it for some syndication money. Perhaps 13 episodes in the fall of midseason next year at 8:00pm on Wednesdays. CBS sure has a lot of decisions on their hands. I want to know your thoughts though. So, the question in the poll to the right is: Which CBS comedy (of the three mentioned) should be cancelled?

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